Wednesday 22 February 2017


1.Author:  Raquel J. Palacio

2. Hook question -When you stared your first day of school, did anyone make fun of you and tease you.                                                                                                                                                     3. Blurb- Well this book is sort of a diary of a kid called August [nickname Auggie] that started his first day of school and has this weird and different face.

4. Text to self- in year 4 my friends made fun of me.

    Text to text- in another book  called "diary of a wimpy kid ", it is a diary of his life and it is sort of the same thing as "Wonder". So if you like Diary of a wimpy kid then you will like Wonder.

   Text to world- many people in the world is actually bullied by others and is actually getting sad and hurt from bullies making fun                                                          of themselves.

  5. My views on the book and why? - My views on the books are                                                           that it is a very interesting book that goes on for a long time. The                                                           message they were crossing in the book is that you are still amazing                                                       what ever you look like.
 6. Do you recommend this book for others why?I would                                                                        recommend this book for others because it is a interesting book                                                              about his life.

What age group is it suited to ? This book can be read by readers                                                            7 and above.

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