Wednesday 29 March 2017

Adventures of Tintin

Volume 1

1.Author- Herge

2.Have you ever wanted to go on a mystery?

3.If so, this book is good for you. This is the first volume of all the series. There are two main parts that are Tintin in the land and Tintin in the Congo. Tintin is a reporter and also goes to different countries every day with his  dog called Snowy. Tintin is so famous catching robbers and criminals many other criminals around the globe works together to kill Tintin.

4.Text to text- I read an article in a newspaper that a person stopped a robber from getting away and it was on May 2016 and in these series Tintin stopped a lot of criminals.

  Text to self- I like going on adventures and going outside to do something.

  Text to world- Many people around the globe likes going outside to do adventures.

5.My views on the book and why?- To me, these books are good and I love how they solve the problems and how will they catch the robbers.

6. Do you recommend this book for others? I recommend this book for others like what I said above that it gives a lot of detail on the climax[that is like a exaggerating part of the book]. I think this book is good for 6+ because in this book there are some violence but with no killing like only getting kidnapped or getting punched.

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