Friday 24 March 2017

Stone Rabbit

1. Erik Graddock

2. Have you ever felt hungry and want to go to a pizza store?

3. This book is about a 3 friends that is a rabbit, a turtle, and a wolf. They went to the turtle's Grandpa store and ordered some pizza but the pizza taste horrible, so they walked back home and saw a new pizza store that was called Ninja Slice. When they walked into the store a monster asked them what they want to eat and but then more monster ninja come out and the three friends turn into ninja and fight.

4. Text to text- I read another book about ninjas

   Text to self-I pretend to be a ninja at home

   Text to world-Many people like to become ninjas

5. This book is a very interesting book and the message that the author was saying was that you are always ninjas.

6. I recommend this book for others because many people like ninjas and this book is also about ninjas.

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