Wednesday 8 March 2017

The Flying Beaver Brother And The Fishy Business

Image result for The Flying Beaver Brothers and the Fishy Business
Author:Maxwell Eaton III
Hook Question:What if you were the flying beaver brothers and you have to go through a lot miserable things
Blurb:The Flying Beaver Brothers are back, and this time they're hot on the trail of another eco-villain: Fish Stix  Environmental Manufacturing. When Fish Stix sets up shop, most of the islanders are thrilled. After all, Fish Stix are the most popular, best-selling sticks around AND they're good for the environment! But this eco-friendly facade is just a cover for a nefarious p
Text to World: A lot of people in the world have to deal with miserable things
I recommend this book for others, because it is a really funny book that I think people will enjoy a lot
Image result for five stars

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