Wednesday 29 March 2017

Title: Chicken School
Author: Jeremy Strong
Hook Question: Imagine if you would have
a crush on a Girl and you would spread it yourself ?
Blurb (what is the book about ? ) : well this book is about a  
boy Tim that has a crush on a girl named Sophie Good- Soul
and Tim  can apparently shipshape so that what he did and the 
other students thought it was someone called Mark when it
was actually the secret shipshape'r Tim Wilkinson.  
Text to text: Iv'e actually read a Swedish book about 
a chicken boy who loves a chicken girl but a human named
Kari knows their little secret. Text to world: many people quickly fall
in love with another boy or girl at school.
Text to Self: I also like chickens just like Tim.
Your views on the book and why: I like Chicken School
because it is very funny and I like the Illustrations.
Do you recomend this book for others: this book is maybe for ages 7 to 10. 

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