Monday 6 March 2017

Image result for this journal belongs to ratchet

Tittle: This journal belongs to Ratchet

Author: Nancy J. Cavanaugh

Hook Question: Rachel (nicknamed Ratchet) has a stingy father and she always wondered where her mother was and when she finally finds out her mother ran away, Rachel tries to find anything that belonged to her mother but will she  realize that her father had always loved her and her mother was really a selfish woman?

Blurb: If only getting a new life is as easy as getting a new notebook, believe me its NOT. Its the first day of school for every kid in the neighborhood........but not for me. That means nothing new, no new school bag, no new clothes and no friends- old or new.

Text to Self: Sometimes i feel like i don't get anything new.

Text to Text: I don't know any books that are like this book.

Text to World: Some people Feel like they get nothing new but they are actually really lucky.

Views on the book and why: I actually didn't like this book but this book might be interesting for others.

Recomendations: I would recomend this book for childrem from 10 - 12

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