Thursday 27 April 2017

Hook Question:
Have you been away from your family for 1 year doing work?

This is about an elephant who got trap and used to work for the circus and a family who was in a flood that caused their father to die and the youngest daughter Chanda who is ill and the brother Hastin who worked for Chanda's hospital fee.

Text to Text:
This book is like The Liar And The Dog like Hastin lies just like Atonia.

Tex to Self:
I have also been apart from my family but only in the summer holidays

Text to World:
Some people have been apart from their family being slaves

Your views on the book and why? Were there any message that the author tries to get across?
I think the author was trying to say to care of animals like elephants.

Do you recommend this book for others? Why or why not? What age is it suited to?
I recommend this book to people who likes sad same time interesting stories.  10+

Star rating:

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