Thursday 4 May 2017

Image result for harry potter and the goblet of fire bookhook question; have you seen a dragon before?
blurb; this book is out Harry Potter entering some deadly games with the other 2 wizarding schools when he did not even want to.
text to text; this book is like how to train your dragon because they both have dragons.
text to self; i have seen fire before in a campfire.
text to world; lots of people have seen fire before.
your views about the book and what was the author trying to get across; i like this book because it is very cool and tempting to read, i think what the author was trying to get across was that Harry Potter is entering the triwizird tournament.
do you recommend this book; i recommend this book to 8-20 because the book is king of long.
I rate thisImage result for 4 stars

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