Tuesday 9 May 2017


Title: Rump
Hook question: Does rump have what it takes to go on a magical quest?
Blurb: When twelve year old Rump finds his end part of his name he finds his destiny. His actual name and destiny was under his nose all the time. His name was Rumplistiken and he was a stiltskin. His destiny will always be sewing straw to gold. The gold is what people call food. It is quite rare to find gold for all the gold has been found. Pixies used to be kind and sharing until there was no more gold left on the mountain. they turned to greedy pixies and had poisonous bites and when they smell gold they would take it even bite if they had too. There was only one thing to get rid of pixies was dirt, pixies like to keep clean and shiny.
Text to text: I have read a book called Poison garden. Thomas has a dead grandma and soon members of the gardens gets murdered. Thomas's grnadmother's ghost warns him that she was murdered by someone. When Thomas finds out it was a member of the people that owned those gardens was actually still alive. Everyone had once thought that he was dead. 
Text to self: through all my moments I am not sure I have a moment that has been like this book.
Text to world: Maybe some people know how to turn straw into gold (food). lot's and lot's of people are poor and have none to eat. Some of them could have been tricked into giving food or money and now are poor.
Stars: five stars
Age: 8 and above

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