Monday 5 June 2017

Image result for poppy the book

Hook Question: will poppy ever defeat Mr: Ocax her biggest enemy?
Blurb: At the edge of Dimwood forest stands an old charred oak. A great horned owl Mr. Ocax stands there. with his piercing gaze. He surveys the land he calls his own. Watching for the creatures he considers his subjects. Non dares to disobey him. until the night a courageous deer mouse named poppy boldly deifies him. Only to find herself in terrible danger. to lead her family to a better life, Will poppy battle Mr. Ocax to the end?
Text to text: This book does not remind me of any other book.
Text to self: this reminds me when i saw an owl ate a a mouse but he missed the one next to it.
Text to world: this happens to almost every mouse in the world.
Your views on the book: i think it was a one because it is quite boring and not exciting.
Recommendations: i do not recommend this book because its boring and i think this should be for 12-16
Rate: i rate this a one


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