Tuesday 13 June 2017

Image result for platypus police squadHook question;have you seen a talking platypus cop before?
Blurb;this book is about two platypus cops trying to solve a illegal fish case and a vanished professor from the school
text to text;this book is like mountains in the river because they both have platypuses in it
text to self;I have seen a platypus before in Phineas and Ferb
text to world;Lots of people have seen platypuses in zoos
your views about the book and what was the author trying to get across;I like this book because there is a lot of action and suspence in it, i think what was the author trying to get across was that the platypus police squad can solve anything
do you recommend this book to others;I recommend this book to about 7-12 because there are pictures in it and there aren't really any hard words
I rate this book

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