Wednesday 22 March 2017

Beetle boy
By M.G. Leonard

Image result for beetle boy
4.Hook question
How did he start liking beetles?

5. Blurb
Darkus can't believe his eyes when a huge insect drops out of the trouser leg of his horrible new neighbour. It's a giant beetle - and it seems to want to communicate. 

But how can a boy be friends with a beetle? And what does a beetle have to do with the disappearance of his dad and the arrival of Lucretia Cutter, with her taste for creepy jewellery?

6. Text to Text - Text to Self - Text to World
I've read another book with a persons disappearance ( Belle Prater's Boy)

I am a boy.

People like beetles.

7. Your views on the book and why? Were there any messages that the author was trying to get across?
I wasn't really interesting for me.

8. Do you recommend this book for others? Why or why not? What age group is it suited to?
I recommend this book for people that are interested in beetles. It is suited to 9.5+ because some words are really hard

9. Star Rating
Image result for 1 star

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