Thursday 9 March 2017

Image result for who is jane goodall
Hook question: Imagine if your whole life was mostly spent
chimps and you barley spent any time with real human beings.
Blurb - what the book about: the book is about a lady named Jane Goodall and she is an ecologist and
scientist. When she was a little girl she had a stuffed animal that was called ''chimp'' and that is mostly why she flew to Africa to explore wild animals. This book will tell you her whole life story of being an ecologist and a scientist and what she achieved. Don't forget she was a very talented little girl.
Text to text: The text to self: in this biography book is I like open spaces and nature and so does Jane.
Text to world: most people like chimps and Jane again likes chimps.
Text to text: I have read a Swedish book about a little girl who loves open spaces and nature.
Your veiws on the book and why: I really like this book because it is a true story and it also makes sense. Recomendations: More ilastration. For kids 7 to 12.

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