Tuesday 28 March 2017

 hook question: a little boy named Auggie is a very ordinary kid, imagine if you had your eye where your nose should be?

blurb:   a boy named Auggie has a face disorder and his only wish is to be like everyone else. when Auggie discides to go to school, people question him and make up a rumour where if you touch him you get the plague, Auggie gets teased by jack a popular kid in school and gangs up on him with his friends. his  ears are getting worse and worse until they discides to get them checked he said he feels like he's under water, the try some hearing aid but Auggie doesen't like them, the doctor made them look like lobot from star wars since Auggie was a huge fan of star wars. when Auggie goes to a field trip it was the first time away from his mom for a day at night everyone was watching a movie when auggie had to go to the toilet the line was to long so the go to the forest and go  group of bullies from the other schools come and threaten them Auggies lobot hearing aid are lost and he is hurt. 

text to self;  this relates to me because sometime when i don"t like the look of something i make it look like something else.

text to text: this book relates to Auggie and me because it is the same series with Auggie.

text to world: this book relates to the world because some people may have his disorder and may want to fit in.

view on the book  the book is quite sad since he has a disorder and people make fun of him

recommendation: i give this a 

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