Tuesday 28 March 2017

             Image result for tofu quilt

Hook Question: Do you  person who has written  book in the age of 12?

Blurb: There is this girl called Yeung Ying whose family is poor however her mum stills sends her to a private school. When she was around fifth grade Yeung Ying fell in love writing and reading books. Yeung Ying entered a news paper story competition if she win she will revive money wich is enough for her family however she does not tell her parents will she win or loose?

Text to Text: I think this is like Crenshaw because Jacksons family also had not enough money to pay rent and school fee this is like Yeun Ying's family who did not have enough money.

Text to Self: This story is like if I come back from somewhere or have I good grade I recive some food and like Yeung Ying when she came back from Uncle 5's place her mother bought her some dan lai.

Tex to World: Some people have a hobby and you do not have to take the hobby away if they you do not want to.

Your views and why? Were there any message the author tried to get across?
I think this story is like a poem. I think the author wanted to tell us that girls can be better than boys.

Do you recommend it to others? Why or why not? What age group is it suited to?
I recommend it to people who likes poems and people who like writing stories. I recommend it Y4-Y5.

Star rating 
Image result for 2 stars

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