Monday 27 March 2017

Image result for shaolin tiger by sandy fussell

4 Hook Question: Will the samurai kids be able to learn the ways of the Shaolin and then defeat China's Warrior, Qing- Shen?

5 Blurb: The white tiger temple is under threat. To help the Shaolin monks, Sensei Ki- Yaga and the whole gang of samurai kids embark on a perilous journey across the sea of Japan to China. But they soon discover that getting there is only half the battle. An enemy awaits them: a former student of Sensei's named Qing- Shen, China's Warrior, who is now the most skilled soldier in the Middle Kingdom and who holds a grudge against his onetime teacher. Could there be anyone more dangerous? The samurai kids must train in the ways of the Shaolin monks before facing him. But will they be able to protect the temple and their beloved sensei?

6 Text to Text- Text to Self- Text to World: I actually think this book can be similar to Owl Ninja, another book in this series, because in both stories the samurai kids need to learn in the ways of something, for example, ninjas, and then in return, protect them.
This book can be similar to me because If I had to go on a quest like that, I would be scared, like the samurai kids.
This book can be similar to the world because someone might be scared of going against the champion of a type of match like Yoshi, when he said he would fight but was a little scared.

7 Your views on the book and why? Were there any messages that the author was trying to get across?: I think this book was enjoyable because action kept coming into the story and surprises high in quantity as well. I think a message that the author was to send out is that if you want immortal life, it is impossible to get it.

8 Do you recommend this book for others? Why or why not? What age group is it suited to?: I recommend this book for people who like mystery, surprises, and action. The age group this book suits is 9- 14.

9 Star Rating:
Image result for 4 stars

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