Monday 27 March 2017

Image result for there's a boy in the girls bathroom

4 Hook Question: Will Bradley Chalkers ever learn to be a nice boy?

5 Blurb: "Give me a dollar or I'll spit on you." That's Bradley Chalkers for you. He's the oldest bully in the fifth grade. He tells outrageous lies. He is rude to his teachers and refuses to do his homework. No one likes him- except Carla, the new school counselor. Carla believes that underneath Bradley's don't- care attitude, he is sensitive and generous. She knows that Bradley could change, if only he weren't afraid to try.
But when you feel like the most hated kid in the whole school, believing in yourself can be the hardest thing in the world. . . .

6 Text to Text- Text to Self- Text to World: I think this book can actually be similar to Wonder because Bradley was made fun of, teased, and feared, by other people in the school. Then, like Auggie, gets a friend but then they split up for a while. After that, both Auggie and Bradley meet even more friends and become happy.
This book can be similar to me in a way because when I first came to Bradbury, I had no friends. Then after a little time, I had a friend. Like Bradley, after a bit I had no friends when the year changed. Soon, I had even more friends then I used to.
When people are new to a school and they don't concentrate on where they are going they might end up some where they didn't expect themselves to be.

7 Your views on the book and why? Were there any messages the author was trying to get across?: Bradley's emotions change quite a bit from mad or sad to happy or full of energy. I think the change of emotions was described well and understandable. I believe the message that the author wanted to send is that you may be feared or hated in a certain community but if you believe in yourself, and try to be good, then, you might be able to change the way other people feel about you.

8 Do you recommend this book for others? Why or why not? What age group is it suited to?: I recommend this book to people who like it when the main character does not start off that well but gets better at the end. I also believe that people who enjoy books with emotional changes are going to have fun reading this story. The age group the book suits to is 8-13.

9 Star Rating:
Image result for 4 stars

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