Monday 12 June 2017

Image result for Middle school I funny

4 Hook Question: When Jamie enters the Planet's Funniest Kid Contest, will he make it to the top? Or will he just become a dump of failure?

5 Blurb: Hi, I'm Jamie Grimm - and I want to make you LAUGH! Do zombies eat doughnuts with their fingers? What do you get when you cross a parrot and a shark? What do mallards wear at a wedding? To find out the punchlines to these jokes and TONS of others, read on!

You'll hear the story of my insanely un-funny stepfamily, my mostly funny friends, an amazing person called Cool Girl, and the school bully, who happens to live in the same house as me - plus a secret I'm not exactly ready to tell you yet.

But I WILL tell you that I'm on an unforgettable mission to win the Planet's Funniest Kid Contest, and I want you there with me every step of the way!

So sit back, relax, and get ready to howl... till there are tears in your eyes... till you shiver and shake... till your sides start to split... and then you bust a gut!

6 Text to Text- Text to Self- Text to World: I think this book can be similar to wonder because both August and Jamie has something that makes them look strange- August the face and Jamie the wheelchair.
I might be similar to Jamie because it was my first day of my soccer lesson and I was scared I might not be good enough, like Jamie was scared when he entered the Planet's Funniest Kid Contest.
People, or children, may not have enough confidence to do something like enter a contest even though their family might want them to do it.

7 Your views on the book and why? Were there any messages the author was trying to get across?: This book was quite enjoyable with the surprises popping out the corners and everything. Also, I think the story's main complication was good to read as you never knew what would happen. The message the author was trying to get across was that even though you don't have the confidence, you can take a risk (a smart one) and just do it.

8 Do you recommend this book for others? Why or why not? What age group is it suited to?: I recommend this book for people who enjoy reading surprises and taking risks in stories. The age group this group suits is 9-14.

9 Star Rating:
Image result for 4 stars

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