Tuesday 6 June 2017

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Big Nate

1.Arthur- Lincoln Peirce
2.Hook- Do you like laughter? Then this book is good for you.
3.Blurb- This is about a kid called Nate that always gets in trouble by his social studies teacher called miss Godfrey so he gives back the favour and makes a comic book called ultra Nate and the evil bad guy is Godzilla every time.He also makes a comic book on a doctor called Doctor cesspool that is funny and weird like if someone got hurt he would maybe take of their stomach or he would maybe put the persons leg to where his arm is and put that person's arm was.
4.Text to text- Ms Godfrey is like the Twits by Roald Dahl.
   Text to self- Both me and Nate love drawing comics.
   Text to world- Everyone love having fun.
5.Views on the book- This book is very good book because they have laughter, standing up on bullies,drawing comics , secret codes, and best friends.
6.Recommendations-I think that Nate's comics are funny like Moe Mentum, Ultra Nate, Super Dad, Doctor Cesspool, Dan Cupid, Chip Chipson and Biff Biffwell,Keen Doolittle, The Snuggles Family, Slim Stubby, The Pilgrims of Plymouth, Leo Tard, Action Cat, and Luke Warm Private eye.

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