Sunday 4 June 2017

Walk two moons

Image resultTitle: Walk two moons
Hook question: Will Salamanca ever find her mother????
Blurb: Salamanca is a country girl. Her father is renting away their house and renting a new place. He promises that they will go back. They moved because her mother went away to go. She didn't tell Salamanca and the the next few days Salamanca always had temper tantrums. She meets a girl called Phoebe and become friends.  Phoebe's mother has found some strange notes on their doorstep and they believe that a lunatic is coming to haunt them or something. Phoebe in the end finds her mother with another man called Mike and her father grows mad and doesn't want Phoebe's mother to be part of the family and Phoebe agrees.
Text to text: I think the boy on the porch is kind of the same because when the boy's father comes the father is here to pick the boy up but he says the mother ran away.
Text to self: I don't think that has happened to me before in the past.
Text to world: Perhaps some people's parents run away and promise to come back but they die instead.
Age: I think this could be suitable for 9 and above
Stars: I give this book 5 starsImage result for five stars

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